Pastor Misty N. Ellis is currently the pastor-elect of this growing thriving 5-fold ministry.  She has served as lead servant of this amazing group of believers for the past year.

Before becoming the pastor-elect of the Deliverance Outreach Prayer Center, she served under the leadership of Dr./Apostle Georgia M. Ellis and Bro. Otis Ellis Sr. in various capacities of the ministry.  Previous roles included director of the music ministry, finance team, business administrator, and many more.  In 2021, Dr./Apostle Georgia M. Ellis ascended from labor to reward.

Since Apostle Georgia M. Ellis’s transition, Pastor Misty has implemented new concepts and principles to reach this generation through a fresh and powerful anointing to live a full and empowered life through the Word of God.  She carries the mantle to raise up sons and daughters to follow Jesus in the Kingdom.

She is one of those straightforward preachers that deals with the prophetic, deliverance, healing - and most all of prayer!